Garlic mustard and blue cheese spaghetti

Puoi trovare la versione italiana qui: Spaghetti con alliaria e gorgonzola

Garlic mustard and blue cheese spaghetti The garlic mustard or hedge garlic (Alliaria petiolatahas nothing to do with garlic, but insteas is a plant belonging to the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family, the same family of cabbages, kale, rocket, cauliflower, rapeseed, etc.
Fun fact, the name Cruciferae derives from "crucifer" or cross, in reference to the cross formed by the four petals of the flowers.
This plant is very common and can be found along hedgerows, woodland, shady scrub and path edges. More detailed information can be found here:

Plants of garlic mustard, garlic mustard washed and ready to be cooked, spaghetti with garlic mustard and blue cheese

This recipe is very simple, and yet very delicious, even though for someone the taste could be a bit strong.
First collect the young leave from the top, including the flowers and flower buds. Wash them carefully and cut in smaller bits.
In a pan stir fry some garlic and chilli, add the garlic mustard and cook until soft.
Aside boil you pasta, and before it is completely cooked, transfer it to the pan with the garlic mustard. Finish to cook in there, adding some cooking water if needed, and add some blue cheese to let it melt and create a creamy consistency. Add some freshly cracked black pepper.

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